How Long Does Buying A House Take To Complete?

Buying a house can take anywhere from a few weeks on end to several months. Many factors affect the length of your home buying process, such as how you plan on financing the property and what kind of property you’re looking for. You can click here to learn more.

The length of time it takes to buy a house depends on several factors:


The time it takes to close deals in different areas may vary from one county in Canada to another, across states or provinces in the United States, or across countries around the world.

How long the property has been listed for sale

If a property has been listed for sale for six months with no offers, and then an offer comes in at the final day of listings, it might take less time to close than if there were multiple offers on the property during its listing period. An offer that came in late may have come at a disadvantage, as buyers would already be looking around based on their other competing offers.

Your negotiating ability

If you’re looking for a property that is listed higher than what you would like to pay, it might take weeks or months before the seller comes to the terms that you have. If you don’t have much negotiating power, it will take a lot longer to come to an agreement. If you’re able to negotiate at the very beginning of your search, and your offer is accepted, you might be able to close quickly on that deal.

Buying A House

How you intend to finance the purchase

If you intend to use a mortgage and a traditional buyer’s agent, the process may take longer than if you’re going to do it yourself. If you are looking at all cash, it might take substantially less time.

How much time you have available to conduct inspections, research areas, and find another property

If you only have a few weeks before you need to close the deal on your home purchase, your search might be very intensive or even stressful. If you are planning a move, you may even want to buy another home while you sell the first one – then it might take that long to find a buyer and close the second property.

The type of property you’re looking for

For example, if you’re shopping for a condo in different areas across Martinez, it can take months to find exactly what you’re looking for. A condo unit in Vancouver may be very different from one in Halifax.

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Published by John Vorhaus